6th June 2020, suddenly, at the South West Acute Hospital, Enniskillen. Nigel Victor late of 178 Scallen Road, Trillick. A much loved fiancé of Fiona and a very dear father of Ryan. Also greatly loved and missed by Fiona’s family, Faith, Jonathan, Jessica, Daniel, Gareth, Naomi and Craig.
Please note due to the current circumstances and government advice regarding COVID 19 the family home, funeral and cemetery will be strictly private.
The funeral cortege will be taking the route from the family home, on Wednesday at 11.30am. The cortege will be going to Cross Cemetery, Enniskillen, taking the route along the Loughterush Road onto the Junction Road and via Irvinestown. This is an opportunity for friends and neighbours who live on the route to stand at their driveways and show their support to the family and to pay their respects. Please adhere to government regulations and keep a safe distance whilst doing so.
Very sadly missed by his loving fiancée Fiona and family and all the family circle.
“The Lord is my Shepherd”
Im sorry to b reading this. Nigel was a lovely fella he was taken to soon . My sympathy to his son ryan, his mum mina dad Victor and brother Trevor. Cousins eileen, William, Trevor and Sharon and his granny young May nigel R. I. P